The sustainability disruption is here. Are you ready?
Not long ago, the great disruptor of the business world was digital. Today, it’s the drive to transform the global economy into one that better recognizes nature’s limits. Like digital before it, sustainability is spawning new technologies and opening up multibillion dollar industries. It’s also compelling firms to adapt—or risk losing out to the competition.
Yet defining your sustainability goals—let alone achieving them—can be difficult. Many organizations fail to see sustainability for what it really is: a holistic endeavor between IT and business. Too often, they lack the tools to deploy sustainability solutions—like improving energy efficiency, generating data for compliance, or building the foundation for a new operating model that incorporates sustainability objectives directly into business strategy.
At Alfabet, we believe an enterprise architecture and strategic portfolio management approach—EAM/SPM—is the key to drawing connecting lines between your IT investments and sustainability objectives. With an EAM/SPM solution like Alfabet, you’ll have the tools you need to leverage your IT as the backbone of your green transformation—for cost savings, greater innovation, and new business opportunities.
1. Sustainability in Consumer Products and Research Survey, Capgemini, 2020
2. Why it’s time for a green revolution for your organization’s IT, Capgemini, 2021
We must develop a comprehensive and globally shared view of how technology is affecting our lives and reshaping our economic, social, cultural, and human environments. There has never been a time of greater promise, or greater peril.
The right tool for your sustainability transformation
Is your IT ready for the sustainability disruption? As an industry leader in enterprise architecture and strategic portfolio management, Alfabet can help you optimize your IT landscape and collaboratively plan for a more sustainable future.
With the richest EA repository covering business, technology, and finance, and risk, Alfabet offers a wealth of insights into the makeup of the IT portfolio and the change needed to drive sustainability innovation. Its natively integrated EAM and SPM capabilities make it easier for you to plan, design, and execute your change initiatives—and more effectively align your IT and business goals to bring your sustainability strategy to life.
We invite you to learn more about Alfabet’s unique capabilities—and how an EAM/SPM approach can help your company make the most of the sustainability disruption.
To deliver on IT initiatives for sustainability, you first need a complete view of your IT landscape—including applications, locations, and vendor dependencies as they relate to business. An EAM/SPM approach will help you understand your baseline environmental footprint, from energy consumption by location to the carbon footprint of your power suppliers. You can then take steps to reduce usage and source from greener providers.
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Are you looking to streamline your IT so that it uses less? An EAM/SPM approach will help you continuously rationalize your applications, technologies, and data—and take steps to retire, exchange, or migrate tools that are unused, poorly performing, and/or energy intensive. This will ensure you’re only running applications that are needed—and in locations that are energy efficient on top of that. Learn more
In the age of sustainability, your reputation hinges more than ever on compliance with an ever-growing web of ESG-related polices, standards, frameworks, laws, and regulations. An EAM/SPM solution will help you respond to these demands with the right numbers and answers. It will improve sustainability governance through all aspects of IT—from reporting the enterprise IT carbon footprint, to tracking the environmental impact of third-party vendors. Meet the platform
Strategy execution
To transform IT into a driver of your company’s sustainability efforts, you must bridge the gap between high level commitments and a practical framework for their execution. An EAM/SPM approach provides transparency and visibility into the sustainability-driven changes to your business and operating models. This helps you plan, design, and execute your IT change initiatives accordingly—and ensure IT compliance with business vision, strategy, and goals.
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